When do my recycling, trash and yard waste need to be out by the road for pickup?
All items must be placed by the road by 7AM on your scheduled day to ensure collection. Items should be placed out no earlier than 7PM the night before your scheduled day.
What holidays will effect recycling, trash and yard waste pickup?
We will run one day late when a holiday falls on your trash day or before, i.e. Monday holidays such as Memorial Day will always delay our pickup one day. Marcotte’s observed holidays are New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. If the holiday falls on a weekend, nothing changes. Other delays may occur if the Smiths Creek Landfill closes for issues such as weather and these announcements will be posted on the homepage of this website and our Facebook page. We also contact the Port Huron Times Herald, WSAQ FM 107.1, WBTI FM 96.9, WGRT FM 102.3 and WPHM AM 1380 who may also give updates. Because Fort Gratiot’s pickup days are Tuesday and Wednesday, we will always be delayed for Memorial Day and Labor Day, we will never be delayed due to Thanksgiving Day, and New Years Day, Independence Day and Christmas Day will always depend on what day of the week the holiday falls year to year.
What are the rules for Bulk and Metal item pickup?
One bulk item is permitted per household per week. Bulk items include household furniture, such as mattresses, box springs, couches, chairs, tables, etc., and will be picked up during regularly scheduled trash pickups. Metal items are picked up on Tuesdays only, and must be called into Marcotte no later than 3PM Monday. Freon items must be tagged for pickup. Contact Marcotte at (810) 985-9818 for more details or to schedule a pickup.
When is yard waste pickup, and what are the regulations?
Yard waste will be collected weekly from mid-April through the first week of December. Yard waste must be in compostable paper bags or 33 gallon cans with no lids marked with an X. All branches must be tied and bundled with string or twine, and can be no longer than 3″ in diameter. There is a maximum 10 cans or bags per pickup.
What items are considered unacceptable?
Items considered unacceptable for pickup include: tires, building materials, shingles, brick, concrete, stone, ceiling tile, freon, animal carcasses or waste and human carcasses or waste.
Burn Permits
Annual permits (January – December) are now available and are required for burning. Leaf burning is prohibited, and in some areas, open burning is also prohibited. For further requirements regarding burning and campfires, call the FGFD at (810) 385-5666.
Garage Sale Permits
The fee for the a residential garage sale permit is $2.00 or $50 for a neighborhood-wide sale. Garage sale permits may be issued to any resident for the same location up to three (3) times within a twelve (12) month period for no more than four (4) consecutive calendar days per occurrence. This does not apply to a commercial business having an outdoor sale. For those, please contact (810) 385-4489 x1113.
What are some of the things for which permits are required?
A permit is required for new structures, additions, alterations and repairs, including, but not limited to: roofs, windows, siding, pools, fences, decks, and all accessory structures. Please contact the building department to see what kinds of permits may be required for your project PRIOR to beginning any work at (810) 385-4489 x1112
What payment options are available?
Payments may be made in person, by mail, or by being placed in the after-hours drop box by check or cash. Credit card payments can be made in person or online, but cannot be accepted over the phone. All payments placed in the drop box on the due date are considered on time. Payments sent via mail are considered on time if postmarked on or before the due date.
To pay online, follow the links below. For the utility bill, select the “Search by Address” option, leave the street name blank and enter your street number in both “Street Number” boxes and click “Search.” This will bring up all Fort Gratiot properties with that street number. Select yours and follow the prompts. For tax bills, you can use any of the search options available on the screen. There are several screens to verify your information before you are charged, including the screen showing the credit card fee. For all credit card transactions the fee is 3% of the transaction, with a minimum fee of $2.00. The fees go directly to the credit card company. You will receive a confirmation email from support@pointandpay.com with a confirmation number and the transaction details.
Click here to pay your tax bill online. Current Year Only for Real Property Taxes; Current or Delinquent for Person Property. Delinquent real property taxes must be paid at the St. Clair County Treasurers Office.
Click here to pay your utility bill online.
How do I rent the Pointe Community Center at 5085 Lakeshore Road?
See Pointe Community Center under the Forms Section
Blight Complaint – (810) 385-4489
Crimes – Central Dispatch Non-emergency: (810) 985-8115
Drug Crime – Drug Task Force: (800) 243-DRUG
Drain Problems, St. Clair County Drain Commission – (810) 364-5369
Road Problem, St. Clair County Road Commission – (810) 364-5720
General Forms:
- Job Application
- Address Application
- FOIA Request Form
Garage Sale Permit Application (Garage sale permits are $2 for individuals or $50 for neighborhood-wide sales)
- Lot Split/Combine Application Packet 2024
- ACH (Water) Form
- ACH (Tax) Form
Pointe Community Center:
Pointe Community Center Photos:
Business Forms:
- License to Operate Arcade Application
- Sewer Contractor Application
- Vehicle Lot License Application
- Waste Hauler License Application
- Business License Application (Renewal)
Assessing Forms:
- Property Tax Exemption (Tax Year 2025)
- Property Transfer Affidavit
- Request to Rescind Principal Residence Exemption
- Principal Residence Exemption Affidavit
- Conditional Rescission FAQ
- Conditional Rescission Form
- Personal Property Statement
- Affidavit Attesting Qualified
- Qualified Agricultural Property Exemption Guidelines
- Qualified Agriculture Rescind-Current Owner
- Claim for Farmland Exemption from Some School Operating Taxes
- Board of Review Q & A
- Petition to Board of Review
- March, July and December Board of Review Standard Petition Form
Building Department Forms:
- Building Permit Application
- Electrical Permit Application
- Mechanical Permit Application
- Plumbing Permit Application
- Zoning Compliance Permit Application & Hold Harmless Affidavit
Planning Commission Forms and Guidelines:
- Procedures for Rezoning
- Rezoning Application 2023
- Procedures for Site Plan Submittal
- Procedures for Special Land Use Submittal
- Application for Planning Commission Review
- Planning Commission Meeting Dates & Fees
Zoning Board of Appeals Forms and Guidelines:
- 2024 Zoning Board of Appeals Fees, Meeting Dates, Deadlines
- Procedures for filing
- Application to the Zoning Board of Appeals
*Note: PDF documents require that you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.
If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, click here to download it for free from the Adobe web site.
Fort Gratiot Charter Township
3720 Keewahdin Road
Fort Gratiot, Michigan 48059
Phone: (810) 385-4489
Fax: (810) 385-9010
Monday-Friday, 8AM-4:30PM
Fort Gratiot Fire Department
Non-Emergency: (810) 385-5666
Fax: (810) 385-7813
Monday, 8:00 AM-4:00 PM
Tuesday – Friday, 8:00 AM-9:00 PM
Sat & Sun, 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Department of Public Works
Office Phone: (810) 385-4489
Fax: (810) 385-9010
Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-4:30 PM