The FGMC will be closed Monday (2/17)
Seeking PC and ZBA Members – See Posting Under FAQ’s Forms and Public Notices
Seeking PC and ZBA Members – See Posting Under FAQ’s Forms and Public Notices
Quick Search
Tax Search & Pay
Utility Billing Search & Pay
Cemetery Search
Fort Gratiot Property Search
St. Clair County Parcel Search
Trash, Recycling and Yard Waste
Ordinances and Regulations
Parks and Recreation
Department of Public Works (SWMP)
Water Quality Report 2023
Elevated Fluoride Level Notice 2022
Storm Water and Watershed Information
County Storm Water Webpage
SEMCOG Storm Water Webpage
Citizen’s Guide – Financial Dashboard
Parker Road West Park Development/Spark Grant Application 2023
Letters of Support
Map of Fort Gratiot Land and Water/Recreation Passport Grant Areas 2023
MPSC Draft Act 233 Solar Energy, Wind Energy, and Energy Storage Facilities Application
Employment Opportunities: (Please see “Latest News”)
Information concerning the upcoming ballot proposal. Voting takes place 8/8.
The FGMC will be closed Monday (7/3) and Tuesday (7/4) for the Independence Day holiday. Marcotte services will be delayed a day.
The FGMC will be closing at NOON on Friday (5/25) and will be closed Monday (5/29). Trash pickup will delayed a day.
Map of Fort Gratiot Land and Water/Recreation Passport Grant Areas 2023
Parker Road West Park Development/Spark Grant Application 2023
Employment Opportunity (Deadline 01/03/2023):
Posted: 12/22/2022
The map above shows the 10’ main path from the Fort Gratiot water plant to Imlay City. Due to the water main break last Saturday, work crews from GLWA will be out inspecting the surface path of that water main.
Per Great Lakes Water Authority there will be 5-6 crews (12 personnel total) out in various sections along that path of the line today. Those personnel will be in marked vehicles. (posted 8/18)
The FGMC offices will be closed Tuesday (8/2) for the Primary Election. The Gardendale Room will be open as a precinct.
The FGMC will be closing at noon on Friday (5/27) and will reopen on Tuesday morning (5/31).
ITEMS FOR SALE (Posted 5/20):
Sealed Bids must be addressed to and received by Treasurer by 12pm, Tuesday May 31st 2022. Please include contact information. Sealed bids will be opened at 1pm on 5/31 (Tuesday) in the Gardendale Room at the FGMC. Sale will be awarded to the highest bidder.
Terms: Cash “as is”.
#1 Honda Generator EG5000 GC05-4095584
#2 Honda Generator EG5000 GC05-4095576 (Dented fuel tank, but does not leak)
#3 John Deere HPGator OPS HPX 4×4 Diesel Hours: 2645
#4 1997 John Deere F-1145 Mower with a 246 rotary broom and 47” snowblower Hours: 2227
5. John Deere 25A Flail Mower
ROAD CLOSURE: Meadowlawn will be closed Wednesday 5/18/2022 at 6:30am through Thursday 5/19/2022 at 3:30pm due to asphalt work near the intersection. This will be a full closure with no through traffic. Please direct all questions/concerns to the SCCRC 810-364-5720.
The Bridge to Bay Trail is a diverse trail system in St Clair County, Michigan. Whether you are looking for a stroll along the boardwalk or a 50+ mile shoreline bike ride, there is something for everyone. Visit to plan your next adventure.
The FGMC will be closing at NOON today (4/15).
Vehicles for sale:
Please click on flyer for more information.
ROAD CLOSURE: Intersection of Meadowlawn Rd and Keewahdin Rd will be completely closed due to a failing crossroad culvert. This closure is for all traffic until further notice. (Posted 3/23)
Fix a Leak Week (March 14 – 20)
Job Posting:
Applications due by 3/18/22
Due to weather conditions the FGMC will be closed on Thursday 2/3.
The FGMC will be closing at 10am on Friday 1/28. Please use drop box for any bill pay etc.
Parks Commissioner Opening:
The FGMC will be closed on Monday (1/17). Please use drop box for any bill pay etc.
The FGMC will be closing at NOON on Wednesday (11/24) and will be CLOSED Thursday (11/25) and Friday (11/26). Please use drop box for any bill pay.
Gypsy Moth News:
Road Closure: Pollina will be closed to all traffic until 3:30PM on Friday, 8/13/2021 due to a crossroad culvert replacement located on Pollina.
The FGMC will be closed July 2nd and July 5th. Normal Marcotte schedule.
Please visit to report Gypsy Moth issues.
Know what’s below. Call MISS DIG 811 before you dig.
Lawn waste pickup will begin April 13th and 14th (depending on pickup day). Marcotte is encouraging residents to utilize lawn waste bags.
Board Meeting Notice (posted 2/26/21)
UPDATED: Covid-19 Preparedness and Response Plan (posted 2/26/21)
Understanding Your Change Notice (posted 2/9/21)
Board of Review (posted 2/3/21)
Board Meeting Notice for 2/3/21
Board Meeting Notice for 1/27/21
Zoning Board of Appeals Appointment (Deadline 1/15/21)
Employment Opportunity (Deadline 1/11/21)
Board Meeting Notice for 12/16
Board Meeting Notice for 12/2
Planning Commission Meeting (12/08) Cancelled
FGMC Closure Notice (11/17)
Board Meeting Notice (11/17)
DPW Fall Newsletter
Employment Opportunity (posted 10/21)
Hydrant Flushing (10/1)
Item For Sale: Turf Vac
posted 9/28
November Election Absentee Ballot News
July Board of Review (7/10)
Coastal Resiliency Online Training (posted 7/8)
Residents located between 3406 Keewahdin and the FGMC will be without water starting at 7 AM on Friday (6/5). DPW will be repairing a broken water main. Please refer to this post for updates. No time yet has been established for return of service. Please use caution when driving near area.
FGMC continued closure announcement (05/26/2020)
ITEM FOR SALE (5/26/2020)
Water Meter Remote Upgrade (5/11/20)
Covid 19 Preparedness and Response Plan (4-30-20)
Notice of Cancellation of April 1, 2020 Meeting of Board of Trustees
Small Business Relief Grants Flyer
Small Business Relief Grant Applications
Coronavirus (Covid-19) Announcement
The Clerk’s Office (within the FGMC) will be open from 8 to 4 on Saturday (3/7) for absentee voting and voter registration.
Please contact the Clerk’s Office for more information 810-385-4849
The FGMC will be closed Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents’ Day. No Marcotte delay.
2020 Fort Gratiot Precincts (please see the “Elections” page)
2019 Christmas Lighting Contest Winners:
1st Place – 5328 Lakeshore Rd
2nd Place – 4154 Bonisteel
3rd Place – 3913 Arlington Ave
Water main break on State Road between Capital and the Ball Field. STATE ROAD will be closed from James Ct to Keewahdin Rd, for the safety of the repair crew and to expedite the repair.
We will post more details as they become available.
*UPDATE (10:20am) Crews have been on site and have determined the trouble area…no exact timetable for service restoration but water main breaks usually take a few hours. Thank you for your patience.
*UPDATE (11:45am) Water service has been restored. Residents should let water run for five minutes to clear air from lines.
November 5. 2019 Sheriff Millage Results
Fort Gratiot 2018 Annual Financial Audit
Hydrant Flushing Fort Gratiot
Beginning this week and continuing through December the DPW staff will be flushing hydrants. Flushing hydrants annually helps to maintain the best water quality possible.
During this time, residents may notice a slight decrease in water pressure or discoloration of water. Water discoloration results from temporary disturbances of the normal water flow within our piping network. These short-term changes in flow can stir up naturally occurring minerals and sediment that settle within the water mains. The objective of the water main/hydrant flushing program is to remove these accumulated sediments from our pipes by flushing the water out of the fire hydrants.
If water discoloration does occur, customers should try to refrain from using hot water and run their cold-water faucets ONLY until the water appears clear.
If you should have any questions or concerns during this time, please contact the DPW at 810-385-4489 (8a – 4:30p) .
Furloughed Federal Employees Press Release, issued 01/25/2019:
Spicer Group Inc. will be inspecting the Sanitary Manholes in the Township as part of the SAW Grant. Some sanitary sewer lines and manholes may be located in backyards or alleys on easement. Members of the inspection crews will need access to these sewer lines and manholes. Some manholes may be buried. These manholes will be temporarily staked and brought up to grade at a later date. Please do not remove the stakes as these will guide the inspection crew to the structures. These crews are project personnel and will be identified with safety vest uniforms. Homeowners do not need to be home and AT NO TIME WILL FIELD STAFF NEED TO ENTER YOUR BUSINESS OR RESIDENCE.
THE FORT GRATIOT CANINE COMMONS – PETSAFE DOG PARK OPENED TO THE PUBLIC ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2016! The park is located in the McIntyre Park at 4788 Parker Road. It is between Keewahdin Road and Carrigan Road.
Have you checked out the latest Recreation Program brochure? Visit the Port Huron City Recreation Website to check out all of the class offerings for kids and adults. Through a cooperative agreement between the City of Port Huron of Fort Gratiot Charter Township, Fort Gratiot residents are eligible for the Port Huron resident rates (listed as “Resident Fee” in program guides) for all programs and events.
Online registration is also available!
With nature preserves, trails, ponds, bike paths, parks, beaches, and recreation areas, Fort Gratiot has plenty for people to enjoy all four seasons. Fort Gratiot Township is also home to the largest commercial corridor in St. Clair County. Fort Gratiot Township Has It All…Small Town Charm With Big City Opportunities!
The original settlement of the Port Huron area, including what is now known as Fort Gratiot Township, occurred in the latter portion of the 17th Century. This settlement was related to the location of the area along the St. Clair River at the southern end of Lake Huron. The location had an obvious strategic value for military, as well as commercial purposes. Direct access to the river and lake was a major asset to the area’s first major commercial activities: fur trading and lumbering. The emergence of the railroad as an important form of transportation in the mid-1800’s also served as a catalyst to growth in the area as Port Huron was located on major rail corridors linking St. Clair County with other developing population centers, including Chicago and Detroit.
Fort Gratiot Township became a recognized governmental unit in 1866. For most of the Township’s history, it has played an ancillary role to Port Huron as the County’s dominant city. Development in the Township for many years was limited to the establishment of homes along the Lake Huron shoreline and farming in the interior portions of the community. A limited amount of non-farm residential growth also occurred along the section line roads that served the Township.
During the second half of this century, the pace of growth accelerated in the Township. As was the case earlier, much of this development was concentrated along two of the Township’s most scenic areas: the Lake Huron and Black River shorelines. The lake also attracted tourists to the area, many of whom eventually developed summer cottages in the Township. In 1979, the Township was changed from a General Law Township to a Charter Township.
In the last thirty years or so, extensions of water and sewer lines into the Township from Port Huron have allowed interior portions of the Township to be converted from farms to suburban residential subdivisions and to commercial developments. One of the most notable commercial developments is the Birchwood Mall, which opened in 1991. The mall is notable not just for being the largest commercial development in the County, but also for being the catalyst for extensive commercial development in the Township during the 1990’s. As a result of these developments, the automobile-oriented Fort Gratiot Township has supplanted the 19th Century, pedestrian-oriented downtown Port Huron as the retail/commercial center of the County and the surrounding regions. In 2016, the new 22,000 square foot Fort Gratiot Municipal Center opened and is home to the township administration offices, fire department and St. Clair County Sheriff’s Office Substation.
~Standing wreaths allowed in Sunset Memorial Gardens starting October 1, and must be removed by March 31.
~Yard waste pickup is a weekly seasonal program and will be picked up weekly from mid-April through the first week of December
~The Friday before Memorial Day: Grave items in Sunset Memorial Gardens may be placed on grave sites beginning this date.
~First week of June: Grave items in Sunset Memorial Gardens must be removed no later than this date.
Marcotte Delays. Observed holidays are New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. If the holiday falls on a weekend, nothing changes. As our service days are Tuesday and Wednesday, we will always be delayed for Memorial Day and Labor Day, and we will never be delayed for Thanksgiving Day. New Years Day, Independence Day and Christmas Day will always depend on what day of the week the holiday falls year to year.
Our offices will be closed in 2023 for:
2024 Election Days – administration offices are closed for regular business, Clerks office and building open for voting:
-Presidential Primary, Tuesday, February 27
-Primary Election, Tuesday, August 6
-General Election, Tuesday, November 5
-Cruise Nite, last full weekend of June, annually
-Scarecrow Saturday – last Saturday of September, annually
Map of Fort Gratiot Land and Water/Recreation Passport Grant Areas 2023
Parker Road West Park Development/Spark Grant Application 2023
Letters of Support
Gypsy Moth Information
2023-2027 Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Department of Public Works (SWMP)
Tax Search & Pay
Utility Billing Search & Pay
Cemetery Search
Fort Gratiot Property Search
St. Clair County Parcel Search
Trash, Recycling and Yard Waste
Ordinances and Regulations
Parks and Recreation
Water Quality Report 2023
Elevated Fluoride Level Notice 2022
Storm Water and Watershed Information
County Storm Water Webpage
SEMCOG Storm Water Webpage
Citizen’s Guide – Financial Dashboard
MPSC Draft Act 233 Solar Energy, Wind Energy, and Energy Storage Facilities Application
Employment Opportunities: (Please see “Latest News”)
Posted 12/22/2022
Parks Commission Position (posted 11/29/22)
The FGMC will be closing at NOON on Wednesday (11/23) and will resume normal business hours on Monday (11/28).
The FGMC will be closing at NOON on Friday (11/11) for Veterans Day.
Upcoming Road Work (posted 9/15)
M-136 (Keewahdin Rd) Culvert Replacement
The FGMC will be closing at NOON on Friday 9/2 and will be closed on Monday 9/5.
The map above shows the 10’ main path from the Fort Gratiot water plant to Imlay City. Due to the water main break last Saturday, work crews from GLWA will be out inspecting the surface path of that water main.
Per Great Lakes Water Authority there will be 5-6 crews (12 personnel total) out in various sections along that path of the line today. Those personnel will be in marked vehicles. (posted 8/18)
Advertisement for bid (posted 7/27)
The FGMC offices will be closed Tuesday (8/2) for the Primary Election. The Gardendale Room will be open as a precinct.
The FGMC will be closing at noon on Friday (5/27) and will reopen on Tuesday morning (5/31).
ROAD CLOSURE: Meadowlawn will be closed Wednesday 5/18/2022 at 6:30am through Thursday 5/19/2022 at 3:30pm due to asphalt work near the intersection. This will be a full closure with no through traffic. Please direct all questions/concerns to the SCCRC 810-364-5720.
The Bridge to Bay Trail is a diverse trail system in St Clair County, Michigan. Whether you are looking for a stroll along the boardwalk or a 50+ mile shoreline bike ride, there is something for everyone. Visit to plan your next adventure.
The FGMC will be closing at NOON today (4/15).
Vehicles for sale:
Please click on flyer for more information.
ROAD CLOSURE: Intersection of Meadowlawn Rd and Keewahdin Rd will be completely closed due to a failing crossroad culvert. This closure is for all traffic until further notice. (Posted 3/23)
Fix a Leak Week (March 14 – 20)
Job Posting:
Applications due by 3/18/22
Due to weather conditions the FGMC will be closed Thursday 2/3.
The FGMC will be closing at 10am on Friday 1/28. Please use drop box for any bill pay etc.
Parks Commissioner Opening:
The FGMC will be closed on Monday (1/17). Please use drop box for any bill pay etc.
The FGMC will be closing at NOON on Wednesday (11/24) and will be CLOSED Thursday (11/25) and Friday (11/26). Please use drop box for any bill pay.
Gypsy Moth News:
Road Closure: Pollina will be closed to all traffic until 3:30PM on Friday, 8/13/2021 due to a crossroad culvert replacement located on Pollina.
The FGMC will be closed July 2nd and July 5th. Normal Marcotte schedule.
Please visit to report Gypsy Moth issues.
Seeking New Commissioner Posted 6/18
Know what’s below. Call MISS DIG 811 before you dig.
FGMC Lobby Closure (posted 3/26/2021)
Vaccine Notice (posted 3/26/2021)
UPDATED: Covid-19 Preparedness and Response Plan (posted 2/26)
Understanding Your Change Notice (posted 2/9/21)
Board of Review (posted 2/3/21)
Zoning Board of Appeals Appointment (Deadline 1/15/21)
Employment Opportunity (Deadline 1/11/21)
Board Meeting Notice for 12/16
Board Meeting Notice for 12/2
Planning Commission Meeting (12/08) Cancelled
FGMC Closure (11/17)
Board Meeting Notice (11/17)
DPW Fall Newsletter
Employment Opportunity (posted 10/21)
Hydrant Flushing (10/1)
Item For Sale: Turf Vac
posted 9/28
November Election Absentee Ballot News
July Board of Review (posted 7/10)
Coastal Resiliency Online Training
Residents located between 3406 Keewahdin and the FGMC will be without water starting at 7 AM on Friday (6/5). DPW will be repairing a broken water main. Please refer to this post for updates. No time yet has been established for return of service. Please use caution when driving near area.
FGMC continued closure announcement (05/26/2020)
ITEM FOR SALE (5/26/2020)
Water Meter Remote Upgrade (5/11/20)
Covid 19 Preparedness and Response Plan (4-30-20)
Small Business Relief Grants Flyer
Coronavirus (Covid-19)
The Clerk’s Office (within the FGMC) will be open from 8 to 4 on Saturday (3/7) for absentee voting and voter registration.
Please contact the Clerk’s Office for more information 810-385-4849
The FGMC will be closed Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents’ Day. No Marcotte delay.
2020 Fort Gratiot Precincts (please see the “Elections” page)
2019 Christmas Lighting Contest Winners:
1st Place – 5328 Lakeshore Rd
2nd Place – 4154 Bonisteel
3rd Place – 3913 Arlington Ave
FGMC Office Holidays Hours
Dec. 23 – 25 CLOSED
Dec. 26 – 27 8 – 4:30
Dec. 30 8 – 4:30 (Treasury will be open until 5pm)
Dec. 31 CLOSED
FGMC Thanksgiving Hours: Wed 8 – noon, Thur CLOSED, Fri CLOSED
Water main break on State Road between Capital and the Ball Field. STATE ROAD will be closed from James Ct to Keewahdin Rd, for the safety of the repair crew and to expedite the repair.
We will post more details as they become available.
*UPDATE (10:20am) Crews have been on site and have determined the trouble area…no exact timetable for service restoration but water main breaks usually take a few hours. Thank you for your patience.
*UPDATE (11:45am) Water service has been restored. Residents should let water run for five minutes to clear air from lines.
November 5. 2019 Sheriff Millage Results
Fort Gratiot 2018 Annual Financial Audit
Furloughed Federal Employees Press Release, issued 01/25/2019:
Spicer Group Inc. will be inspecting the Sanitary Manholes in the Township as part of the SAW Grant. Some sanitary sewer lines and manholes may be located in backyards or alleys on easement. Members of the inspection crews will need access to these sewer lines and manholes. Some manholes may be buried. These manholes will be temporarily staked and brought up to grade at a later date. Please do not remove the stakes as these will guide the inspection crew to the structures. These crews are project personnel and will be identified with safety vest uniforms. Homeowners do not need to be home and AT NO TIME WILL FIELD STAFF NEED TO ENTER YOUR BUSINESS OR RESIDENCE.
THE FORT GRATIOT CANINE COMMONS – PETSAFE DOG PARK OPENED TO THE PUBLIC ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2016! The park is located in the McIntyre Park at 4788 Parker Road. It is between Keewahdin Road and Carrigan Road.
Absentee ballots can only be issued after we receive an application for AV voting. Being on the permanent AV list means that prior to every election, you will automatically be mailed an application to vote absentee – you will never be automatically sent a ballot without having returned the application first, for every individual election. If you wish to vote AV, complete the application and return it to our office as soon as possible. If you receive an application but wish to vote in person, do not complete the application and then show up to your polling place on election day to vote.
Unvoted ballots can only be given directly to the voter or sent by first class mail to the registered voters address. The USPS will not forward AV applications or ballots. For example, if you bring to our office your application and one for your child/spouse/friend who is not present, we can only give you your ballot and have to mail the other, or hold it here until it can be picked up by the voter. However, anyone can return the voted ballots. Ballots can be returned to us in person, by mail (must use 2 stamps) or put in our secure drop box on the front of our building at anytime after office hours and on weekends.
*AV ballots must be returned by the close of the polls on election day. (Polls are open from 7AM-8PM) However, we ask that you return them at your earliest convenience.
*AV ballots can be issued until the Monday, prior to the election. The voter must appear in person and has to vote here. The clerks office will also be open the Saturday prior to the election from 10AM-2PM for absentee voting.
If you have any questions, contact the clerks office at (810) 385-4489.
Rock the vote, Fort Gratiot!
Have you checked out the latest Recreation Program brochure? Visit the Port Huron City Recreation Website to check out all of the class offerings for kids and adults. Through a cooperative agreement between the City of Port Huron of Fort Gratiot Charter Township, Fort Gratiot residents are eligible for the Port Huron resident rates (listed as “Resident Fee” in program guides) for all programs and events.
Online registration is also available!
With nature preserves, trails, ponds, bike paths, parks, beaches, and recreation areas, Fort Gratiot has plenty for people to enjoy all four seasons. Fort Gratiot Township is also home to the largest commercial corridor in St. Clair County. Fort Gratiot Township Has It All…Small Town Charm With Big City Opportunities!
The original settlement of the Port Huron area, including what is now known as Fort Gratiot Township, occurred in the latter portion of the 17th Century. This settlement was related to the location of the area along the St. Clair River at the southern end of Lake Huron. The location had an obvious strategic value for military, as well as commercial purposes. Direct access to the river and lake was a major asset to the area’s first major commercial activities: fur trading and lumbering. The emergence of the railroad as an important form of transportation in the mid-1800’s also served as a catalyst to growth in the area as Port Huron was located on major rail corridors linking St. Clair County with other developing population centers, including Chicago and Detroit.
Fort Gratiot Township became a recognized governmental unit in 1866. For most of the Township’s history, it has played an ancillary role to Port Huron as the County’s dominant city. Development in the Township for many years was limited to the establishment of homes along the Lake Huron shoreline and farming in the interior portions of the community. A limited amount of non-farm residential growth also occurred along the section line roads that served the Township.
During the second half of this century, the pace of growth accelerated in the Township. As was the case earlier, much of this development was concentrated along two of the Township’s most scenic areas: the Lake Huron and Black River shorelines. The lake also attracted tourists to the area, many of whom eventually developed summer cottages in the Township. In 1979, the Township was changed from a General Law Township to a Charter Township.
In the last thirty years or so, extensions of water and sewer lines into the Township from Port Huron have allowed interior portions of the Township to be converted from farms to suburban residential subdivisions and to commercial developments. One of the most notable commercial developments is the Birchwood Mall, which opened in 1991. The mall is notable not just for being the largest commercial development in the County, but also for being the catalyst for extensive commercial development in the Township during the 1990’s. As a result of these developments, the automobile-oriented Fort Gratiot Township has supplanted the 19th Century, pedestrian-oriented downtown Port Huron as the retail/commercial center of the County and the surrounding regions. In 2016, the new 22,000 square foot Fort Gratiot Municipal Center opened and is home to the township administration offices, fire department and St. Clair County Sheriff’s Office Substation.
2021 Christmas Lighting Contest
Judging begins 12/15 and goes through 12/17
(all residents must be registered to be considered)
Judging will begin at 7pm on Monday, December 21st at 7pm.
Must register here:
Session 3 of the Coastal Resilience Workshop
Cruise Night August 7, 2020
Fort Gratiot Fireworks July 11, 2020
~Standing wreaths allowed in Sunset Memorial Gardens starting October 1, 2019 and must be removed by March 31, 2020.
~Yard waste pickup is a weekly seasonal program and will be picked up weekly from April 14th & 15th until December 1st & 2nd, 2020.
~Friday, May 22nd, 2020: Grave items in Sunset Memorial Gardens may be placed on grave sites beginning this date.
~Thursday, June 4th, 2020: Grave items in Sunset Memorial Gardens must be removed no later than this date.
~Marcotte Delays. Observed holidays are New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. If the holiday falls on a weekend, nothing changes. As our service days are Tuesday and Wednesday, we will always be delayed for Memorial Day and Labor Day, and we will never be delayed for Thanksgiving Day. New Years Day, Independence Day and Christmas Day will always depend on what day of the week the holiday falls year to year. The 2019-2020 delays are as follows:
-Memorial Day, week of May 28
-Labor Day, week of September 3
~Our offices will be closed in 2020 for:
-Presidents Day, Monday, February 17
-March Presidential Primary, Tuesday, March 10
-Memorial Day, Friday, May 22, close at noon and Monday, May 25-Marcotte delay
-Independence Day, Friday, July 3
-August Primary Election, Tuesday, August 4
-Labor Day, Friday, September 4, close at noon and Monday, September 7-Marcotte delay
-November General Election, Tuesday, November 3
-Thanksgiving, Wednesday, November 25, close at noon, and closed Thursday, November 26 and Friday, November 27
-Christmas, closed Thursday, December 24 and Friday, December 25
-New Year’s Eve, Thursday, December 31
-New Year’s Day, Friday, January 1
~Cruise Nite is Friday, June 26, 2020 (last full weekend of June, annually)
~Scarecrow Saturday is Saturday, September 26, 2020 (last Saturday of September, annually)
Fort Gratiot Charter Township
3720 Keewahdin Road
Fort Gratiot, Michigan 48059
Phone: (810) 385-4489
Fax: (810) 385-9010
Monday – Friday: 8 AM – 4:30 PM (please see “Latest News” for closures)
Fort Gratiot Fire Department
Non-Emergency: (810) 385-5666
Fax: (810) 385-7813
Monday – Friday: 8 AM – 11 PM
Sat & Sun: 8 AM – 4 PM
Department of Public Works
Office Phone: (810) 385-4489
Fax: (810) 385-9010
Monday – Friday: 7 AM – 3 PM
After Hours Emergency: 810-650-0208 or 810-650-3119